New General Mathematics for Primary Schools

New General Mathematics for Primary 1-6 is written to the NEW Nigerian curriculum and contains all the key content, skills and assessment opportunities pupils need to succeed at Primary level.
The FULL-COLOUR Pupil’s Book offers:
- a Curriculum Matching Chart to ensure that you follow the new curriculum
- lots of Exercises so that pupils can apply their knowledge on a daily basis
- Revision Exercises at the end of each unit, as well as Term Tests, to prepare pupils for their exams
- clear Worked Examples through-out the book to promote understanding
- Specific Key Words in each unit and a full glossary that explains concepts simply and clearly
- Some Teaching notes at the bottom of each page in the Pupil’s Book to make teaching easy!
The Workbook provides:
- extra exercises to consolidate and reinforce knowledge and skills
- clear progression that caters for pupils at all levels.
The FREE Teacher’s Guide contains:
- answers to all exercises and tests in Pupil’s Books and Workbooks