English Project for Junior Secondary Schools

The highly successful Junior English Project has now been adapted to suit the NEW curriculum. Junior English Project equips Nigerian students with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in all aspects of English. The series follows a thematic approach and covers the prescribed literature texts.
The Student’s Book provides:
- full-colour units that build visual literacy, and comprehensively cover and build the key curriculum topics and language skills
- a skill focus feature that consolidates and reinforces key content and skills
- activities, revision exercises and term tests that allow learners to apply their knowledge and skills, and prepare for exams
- a full glossary that builds vocabulary and explains key words simply and clearly.
- all the resources you need to teach and learn English, include listening texts
The Workbook provides:
- worksheets that are suitable for classroom practice and homework
- multiple exercises to consolidate and reinforce knowledge and skills
- clear progression in exercises that cater for pupils at all levels
The FREE Teacher’s Guide contains:
- clear guidance on how to teach key aspects of the curriculum and build students’ skills
- all the answers to the Pupil’s Book and Workbook assessments.
English Project for Senior Secondary Schools

This new edition of the trusted English series offers a complete match to the new Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) syllabus, and gives students all the preparation they need for their West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) English Language examination.
Up to date, comprehensive and written by top Nigerian and International educators, this series offers senior secondary English students:
- A clear layout with attractive illustrations and photos that bring the text to life
- Themed units covering up to date topics relevant to students.
- A focus on the four core skills of listening, comprehension, speaking and reading
- A wide variety of though provoking extracts, including poetry, fiction and non-fiction, to stimulate discussion and help develop a more advanced understanding of the English language
- Syllabus reference charts, chapter introductions and summaries that give clear guidance and make assessment of progress easy for teachers and students
- A comprehensive teacher’s guide is also available at each level, assisting with lesson planning and providing extra, targeted support for teachers